000WTNT45 KNHC 041500TCDAT5TROPICAL STORM NICOLE DISCUSSION NUMBER 1NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL1520161100 AM AST TUE OCT 04 2016The cloud pattern associated with the low pressure system to thenortheast of Puerto Rico has become better organized, with somebanding features having developed over the eastern portion of thecirculation, and ASCAT data indicates that the circulation is nowwell-defined. Therefore advisories are being initiated on thissystem. Visible satellite images show that the low-level center isnear the western edge of the deep convection. The scatterometerdata indicate that the maximum winds are near 45 kt. Even strongershear lies ahead for Nicole, and a weakening trend is likely tocommence by late tomorrow. The official forecast is close to theLGEM guidance.The initial motion estimate is 310/7 kt. Over the next few days,the forward motion of Nicole is likely to become blocked by amid-level high to the northwest. Therefore the cyclone is likelyto begin meandering later in the forecast period. The officialforecast track lies close to the multi-model consensus.FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDSINIT 04/1500Z 23.8N 60.4W 45 KT 50 MPH 12H 05/0000Z 24.5N 61.3W 45 KT 50 MPH 24H 05/1200Z 25.5N 62.6W 45 KT 50 MPH 36H 06/0000Z 26.8N 63.9W 40 KT 45 MPH 48H 06/1200Z 28.2N 64.6W 35 KT 40 MPH 72H 07/1200Z 28.9N 64.5W 30 KT 35 MPH 96H 08/1200Z 27.8N 64.2W 25 KT 30 MPH120H 09/1200Z 27.5N 65.3W 25 KT 30 MPH$$Forecaster Pasch
Philippe Papin @pppapin 31 minHace 31 minutos Nueva York, USA Ver traducción#Nicole intensity might be under-estimated by #Dvorak currently. Recent #microwave pass shows a mid-level #eye developing under #CDO.
Michael Ventrice @MJVentrice 4 minHace 4 minutos Ver traducciónWith all eyes on #Matthew, take a look at #Nicole. This looks like a hurricane to me. Watch out for 11AM upgrade
EU_Tropical Wx ☁️ @Tropics_EU_Wx 35 minHace 35 minutos Ver traducciónUPDATE: #Nicole has formed an eye! An intermediate advisory should be issued. Probably a 75mph hurricane.
000WTNT45 KNHC 061744TCDAT5HURRICANE NICOLE SPECIAL DISCUSSION NUMBER 10NWS NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MIAMI FL AL152016200 PM AST THU OCT 06 2016This is a special advisory issued to upgrade Nicole to a hurricane.The system's cloud pattern has become more symmetrical since thismorning, with an eye evident on visible satellite images. Theintensity is set to 70 kt, which is between the subjective andobjective Dvorak intensity estimates. Nicole has been able tostrengthen in an environment of shear on the order of 20 kt. Sincethe hurricane has been so resilient to the shear, some additionalstrengthening seems likely. By 48 hours, the shear is forecast toincrease to over 40 kt, so some weakening is forecast around thattime. The official intensity forecast is above the SHIPS and LGEMguidance for the early part of the period, and a blend of those 2models thereafter.Little or no change was made to the track forecast from the previousregular advisory, and the track forecast reasoning is unchanged.Steering currents are expected to become weak within the next 12 to24 hours, and Nicole should move slowly and erratically for the nextseveral days.Swells associated with this slow-moving storm are affecting Bermuda,and these conditions are likely to continue for the next severaldays.FORECAST POSITIONS AND MAX WINDSINIT 06/1800Z 27.3N 65.0W 70 KT 80 MPH 12H 07/0000Z 27.7N 65.2W 75 KT 85 MPH 24H 07/1200Z 27.9N 65.0W 80 KT 90 MPH 36H 08/0000Z 27.3N 64.8W 80 KT 90 MPH 48H 08/1200Z 26.9N 64.8W 75 KT 85 MPH 72H 09/1200Z 26.5N 65.0W 65 KT 75 MPH 96H 10/1200Z 27.0N 66.0W 55 KT 65 MPH120H 11/1200Z 28.5N 67.0W 45 KT 50 MPH$$Forecaster Pasch
000WTCA45 TJSJ 101452TCPSP5BOLETINTORMENTA TROPICAL NICOLE ADVERTENCIA NUMERO 26CENTRO NACIONAL DE HURACANES MIAMI FL AL152016 TRADUCIDO POR EL SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA SAN JUAN PR 1100 AM AST LUNES 10 DE OCTUBRE DE 2016...NICOLE ESTA MENOS ORGANIZADA QUE EL DIA DE AYER......AUN SE PRONOSTICA SE FORTALEZCA ESTA NOCHE Y MARTES...RESUMEN DE LA INFORMACION DE LAS 1100 AM AST...1500 UTC-------------------------------------------------------LOCALIZACION...25.7 NORTE 65.2 OESTE CERCA DE 455 MILLAS...735 KM AL SUR DE BERMUDAVIENTOS MAXIMOS SOSTENIDOS...60 MPH...95 KM/H MOVIMIENTO ACTUAL...NORTE O 360 GRADOS A 6 MPH...9 KM/HPRESION CENTRAL MINIMA...992 MB...29.30 PULGADAS VIGILANCIAS Y AVISOS--------------------No hay vigilancias o avisos costeros en efecto.Los intereses en Bermuda deben monitorear el progreso de estesistema. DISCUSION Y PRONOSTICO DE 48 HORAS---------------------------------- A las 1100 AM AST (1500 UTC), el centro de la Tormenta TropicalNicole estaba localizado cerca de la latitud 25.7 norte, longitud65.2 oeste. Nicole se esta moviendo hacia el norte a cerca de 6 mph(9 km/h). Se espera un giro hacia el norte-noroeste esta noche, seguido por un giro hacia el noroeste el martes. Los vientos maximos sostenidos estan cerca de 60 mph (95 km/h) conrafagas mas altas. Se pronostica un fortalecimiento gradual comenzando esta noche, y se pronostica que Nicole se convierta en huracan el martes. Los vientos con fuerza de tormenta tropical se extienden hasta 185millas (295 km) del centro. La presion minima central estimada es de 992 mb (29.30 pulgadas).PELIGROS AFECTANDO TIERRA-------------------------RESACAS: Marejadas asociadas a Nicole deberan aumentar en Bermuda durante los proximos dias. Estas marejadas generaran condiciones de resacas peligrosas y corrientes submarinas. Para mas informacion, favor referirse a los productos emitidos el Servicio de Meteorologia de Bermuda.PROXIMA ADVERTENCIA-------------------La proxima advertencia completa a las 500 PM AST. $$Pronosticador Kimberlain Traductor Cotto