Grece es como a Vince 05, Karl 80, Charley 80, unnamed hurricane'91, ecc, ciclones originados en cold core y transformados en warm core con siguientes características exclusivamente tropicales.
GRACE ya' fue una evidente tempesta tropical el día 1 Octubre a sobre los Is. Azzorre.
NHC la borró el giorno 3 Octubre y no la siguió más como Invest.
L' NHC ayer y esta noche han recibido mucho email de protesta y son dados enseguida por L Invest 90 a tropiocal cyclone GRACE.. ¿ha sido un caso? no creo, leéis este email de un usuario inglés (storm2k) y la traducís para gustar:
Hello Mr. Brown,
All of us at are watching Invest 90L-recently reactivated. It has had an eye on satellite on and off the last couple days and has had a sustained eye all day today. Numerous of the cyclone phase analysis graphics place 90L very close to symmetric warm core. It has winds of 40kts and a pressure of 992 (984 when it was closer to the Azores). This to many of our members would be a Tropical Storm or at least a Subtropical Storm. The satellite presentation appears as if it is a Hurricane.
Kindly, we would like a small explanation of why 90L is just that, an invest and nothing more.
Warm Regards,
Jonathan Belles.
Weather Enthusiast and Future Meteorologist member
Respuesta:Dear Jonathan Belles,
I tried to call the NHC without success. That's why I jumped on my bike to see what was going on.
When I arrived I met the staff in the pool room. They just ordered some pizza and some Johny Walker and were having a great time.
I told them about your e-mail and after drinking 3 cans of coffee they decided to give it a go. I pointed out the position and one of them answered: "There nothing there! " I advised him to take his glasses on as he can't see very well without.
Now everything is under control. Thank you!
Grece es parecida a otros tropical ciclones del Norte este atlántico ignorados:
unnamed 92L Jun.2009 50 knots (tropical storm)

Sept. 2008 50 knots (tropical storm)

unamed Jun. 2009 30 knots (tropical depression)

unnamed Nov.2004 45 knots (tropical storm)

unnamed Oct.1997 (tropical storm or hurricane)