El radiosondeo de Murcia de las 00 ya da algunos datos interesantes:
08430 Murcia Observations at 00Z 12 Mar 2013
hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
1002.0 62 14.8 4.8 51 5.41 260 9 287.8 303.4 288.7
1000.0 77 14.8 3.8 48 5.05 260 9 287.9 302.6 288.8
925.0 731 10.4 1.4 54 4.60 263 15 289.9 303.4 290.7
850.0 1427
3.8 -0.4 74 4.39 266 21 290.1 303.0 290.9
805.0 1866 0.0 -2.2 85 4.06 268 25 290.6 302.6 291.3
779.0 2129 -0.9 -7.9 59 2.72 269 28 292.4 300.7 292.9
725.0 2699 -5.1 -13.1 53 1.93 272 33 293.9 299.9 294.2
711.0 2852 -6.1 -9.1 79 2.71 272 35 294.4 302.7 294.9
703.0 2940 -5.7 -9.9 72 2.58 273 36 295.8 303.8 296.2
700.0 2974 -5.9 -10.5 70 2.47 273 36 295.9 303.6 296.4
666.0 3362 -8.3 -12.2 73 2.26 275 40 297.5 304.6 297.9
652.0 3528 -7.1 -12.1 67 2.33 275 41 300.6 308.0 301.1
565.0 4628 -14.9 -23.9 46 0.99 281 52 304.0 307.4 304.2
537.0 5010 -18.1 -24.1 59 1.02 282 56 304.6 308.1 304.8
500.0 5540 -20.7 -27.7 53 0.79 285 61 307.7 310.5 307.9
475.0 5915 -23.6 -29.6 58 0.69 285 70 308.7 311.1 308.8
450.0 6310 -26.7 -31.7 63 0.60 309.6 311.8 309.7
437.0 6521 -28.3 -30.6 81 0.69 310.2 312.6 310.3
410.0 6975 -30.9 -36.9 56 0.40 312.5 314.0 312.6
400.0 7150 -32.5 -38.5 55 0.35 312.7 313.9 312.7
370.0 7695 -36.7 -43.7 48 0.22 314.1 315.0 314.2
311.0 8873 -47.3 -51.2 64 0.11 315.3 315.8 315.3
300.0 9110 -49.1 -56.1 44 0.06 316.0 316.3 316.1
292.0 9287 -50.3 -61.3 26 0.03 316.8 316.9 316.8
280.0 9559 -52.7 -57.6 55 0.06 317.1 317.4 317.2
250.0 10280 -59.1 -62.8 62 0.03 318.1 318.2 318.1
249.0 10305 -59.5 -63.1 63 0.03 317.9 318.0 317.9
231.0 10769 -63.1 -67.1 58 0.02 319.3 319.4 319.3
200.0 11660 -59.1 -73.1 15 0.01 339.0 339.1 339.0
193.0 11883 -59.9 -77.9 8 0.00 341.2 341.2 341.2
150.0 13470 -56.5 -85.5 1 0.00 372.5 372.5 372.5
138.0 14000 -54.5 -86.5 1 0.00 385.0 385.0 385.0
100.0 16050 -55.5 -87.5 1 0.00 420.2 420.2 420.2
74.5 17903 -61.5 -90.5 1 0.00 444.5 444.5 444.5
70.0 18290 -61.7 -89.7 1 0.00 452.0 452.1 452.0
53.5 19970 -57.5 -89.5 1 0.00 497.8 497.8 497.8
Station information and sounding indices
Station number: 8430
Observation time: 130312/0000
Station latitude: 38.00
Station longitude: -1.16
Station elevation: 62.0
Showalter index: 6.22
Lifted index: 6.34
LIFT computed using virtual temperature: 6.34
SWEAT index: 103.60
K index: 19.50
Cross totals index: 20.30
Vertical totals index: 24.50
Totals totals index: 44.80
Convective Available Potential Energy: 0.00
CAPE using virtual temperature: 0.00
Convective Inhibition: 0.00
CINS using virtual temperature: 0.00
Bulk Richardson Number: 0.00
Bulk Richardson Number using CAPV: 0.00
Temp [K] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 273.92
Pres [hPa] of the Lifted Condensation Level: 832.68
Mean mixed layer potential temperature: 288.66
Mean mixed layer mixing ratio: 4.89
1000 hPa to 500 hPa thickness: 5463.00
Precipitable water [mm] for entire sounding: 16.08
3,8ºC a 850 hPa, que no está nada mal, teniendo en cuenta que hablamos de las 00 UTC de hoy